
A*search  [ start  goal  move-generator  :keys [selector filter debug]




Please read the guide to breadth-search before these notes.


A*search provides a simple, partially optimised implementation of an A*, cost sensitive search mechanism.


breadth-search takes 3 arguments...

·         start state

·         goal state/fn – either a predicate to take a state determine if it is a goal or a state equal to the goal

·         legal move generator


...and 3 (optional) key arguments...


·         get-state – removes cost & other information from a state returning only the raw state

·         get-cost – removes other information from a state returning only the cost

·         selector – takes list of states & selects the next one to explore from

·         debug – when true, the search prints some information as it runs


– see default operations specified below.


The legal move generator is a function which takes a state representation as its only argument and returns a collection of successor states.


Goal states are (by default) detected using the "=" function. This is often over-simplistic (there may be multiple goal states for example). To deal with cases like this the goal may be specified as a predicate which returns non-false if it is passed a goal state.


default operation


This A*search allows a default state structure as follows...


{:state s, :cost c, ...other keys...}


Where s is a raw state and c is a numeric cost value. If this structure is used get-state and get-cost do not need to be provided nor does the selector function (assuming that costs are to be minimised).


If other structures are to be used then get-state and get-cost should be provided.


If you require an alternative to the default selector function – please check the comments in the source code.


example – using defaults


This example is based on a numbers puzzle where one number can be transformed into another using siimple rules. In this case the rules allow a number to be incremented, have 5 added or be doubled. Each operation incurs a cost.


Number transformations and costs are specified in a legal move generator as follows...


(defn a*lmg [state]

  (let [n (:state state)

        c (:cost state)



      {:state (+ n 1), :cost (+ c 2)}

      {:state (+ n 5), :cost (+ c 7)}

      {:state (* n 2), :cost (+ c 1)}



The A*search will find the "cheapest" route from some start state to a goal and, because the state representation is the default, key arguments are not needed.


user=> (A*search {:state 0, :cost 0} (fn [x] (> x 20)) a*lmg)

( {:state 0, :cost 0} {:state 1, :cost 2} {:state 2, :cost 3}

  {:state 4, :cost 4} {:state 8, :cost 5} {:state 16, :cost 6}

  {:state 32, :cost 7})


Changing the calculation of costs changes the route which the search finds...


(defn a*lmg [state]

  (let [n (:state state)

        c (:cost state)



      {:state (+ n 1), :cost (+ c 2)}

      {:state (+ n 5), :cost (+ c 7)}

      {:state (* n 2), :cost (+ c 8)}     ;; note change of cost



user=> (A*search {:state 0, :cost 0} (fn [x] (> x 20)) a*lmg)

({:state 0, :cost 0} {:state 1, :cost 2} {:state 6, :cost 9}

 {:state 11, :cost 16} {:state 22, :cost 24})